Maxims from the Chair (2004)
The Do’s
- -Do something old in a new way
- -Do something new in an old way
- -Do something new in a new way, Whatever works . . . works
- -Do it sharp, if you can’t, call it art
- -Do it in the computer—if it can be done there
- -Do fifty of them—you will definitely get a show
- -Do it big, if you can’t do it big, do it red
- -If all else fails turn it upside down, if it looks good it might work
- -Do Bend your knees
- -If you don’t know what to do, look up or down —but continue looking
- -Do celebrities—if you do a lot of them, you’ll get a book
- -Connect with others—network
- -Edit it yourself
- -Design it yourself
- -Publish it yourself
- -Edit, When in doubt shoot more
- -Edit again
- -Read Darwin, Marx, Joyce, Freud, Einstein, Benjamin, McLuhan, and Barth
- -See Citizen Kane ten times
- -Look at everything—stare
- -Construct your images from the edge inward
- -If it’s the “real world,” do it in color
- -If it can be done digitally—do it
- -Be self-centered, self-involved, and generally entitled and always pushing—and damned to hell for doing it
- -Break all rules, except the chairman’s
The Don’ts
- -Don’t do it about yourself—or your friend—or your family
- -Don’t dare photograph yourself nude
- -Don’t look at old family albums
- -Don’t hand color it
- -Don’t write on it
- -Don’t use alternative process—if it ain’t straight do it in the computer
- -Don’t gild the lily—AKA less is more
- -Don’t go to video when you don’t know what else to do
- -Don’t photograph indigent people, particularly in foreign lands
- -Don’t whine, just produce
The Truisms
- -Good work sooner or later gets recognized
- -There are a lot of good photographers who need it
- -before they are dead
- -If you walk the walk, sooner or later you’ll learn to talk the talk
- -If you talk the talk too much, sooner or later you are probably not walking the walk (don’t bullshit)
- -Photographers are the only creative people that don’t pay attention to their predecessors work—if you imitate something good, you are more likely to succeed
- -Whoever originated the idea will surely be forgotten until he or she’s dead—corollary: steal someone else’s idea before they die
- -If you have to imitate, at least imitate something good
- -Know the difference
- -Critics never know what they really like
- -Critics are the first to recognize the importance of that which is already known in the community at large
- -The best critics are the ones who like your work
- -Theoreticians don’t like to look—they’re generally too busy writing about themselves
- -Given enough time, theoreticians will contradict and reverse themselves
- -Practice does not follow theory
- -Theory follows practice
- -All artists think they’re self-taught
- -All artists lie, particularly about their dates and who taught them
- -No artist has ever seen the work of another artist (the exception being the post-modernists who’ve adapted appropriation as another means of reinventing the history)
- -The curator or the director is the one in black
- -The artist is the messy one in black
- -The owner is the one with the Prada bag
- -The gallery director is the one who recently uncovered the work of a forgotten person from his or her widower
- -Every galleriest has to discover someone
- -Every curator has to re-discover someone
- -The best of them is the one who shows your work
- -Every generation re-discovers the art of photography
- -Photography history gets reinvented every ten years
- -New galleries discover old photographers
- -Galleries need to fill their walls—corollary: thus new talents will always be found
- -Galleriests say hanging pictures is an art
- -There are no collectors, only people with money
- -Anyone who buys your work is a collector—your parents don’t count
- -All photographers are voyeurs
- -Admit it and get on with looking
- -Everyone, is narcissistic, anyone can be photographed
- -Photography is about looking
- -Learning how to look takes practice
The Truisms (continued)
- -All photography, in the right context at the right time is valuable
- -It is always a historical document
- -Sooner or later someone will say it is art
- -Any photographer can call himself an artist,
- -But not every artist can call himself a photographer
- -Compulsiveness helps
- -Neatness helps too
- -Hard work helps the most
- -The style is felt—fashion is fad
- -Remember, its usually about who, what, where, when, why, and how
- -It is who you know ,
- -Many a good idea is found in a garbage can
- -But darkrooms are dark. . . and dank, forgidaboudit
- -The best exposure is the one that works
- -Expose for the shadows, and develop for the highlights
- -Or better yet, shoot digitally.
- -Cameras don’t think, they don’t have memories
- -But digital cameras have something called memory
- -Learn to see as the camera sees, don’t try to make it see as the human eye
- -Remember digital point and shoots are faster than Leicas
- -Though the computer can correct anything,a bad image is a bad image
- -If all else fails, you can remember, again, to either do it large or red
- -Or, tear it up and tape it together
- -It always looks better on the wall framed
- -If they don’t sell, raise your price
- -Self-importance rises with the prices of your images on the wall
- -The work of a dead artist is always more valuable than the work of a live one
- -You can always pretend to kill yourself and start all over.